Greetings readers!
Every so often I am asked to review new or best-selling books related to diet for Newsroom and am encouraged by the Reading Room editor Steve Braunias, a very fine writer indeed, not to hold back.
Here's my "review" of two books on vegetables, which is mostly on the role of selenium, probiotics, and vitamin D in the Covid pandemic, as well as the value of meat in the preservation of mental health, and the promise of LCHF, keto and fasting diets for type 2 diabetes remission.
The more clicks and readers it gets, the more chance I'll have of presenting these types of ideas in mainstream media forums in future.
Hepatitis C viraemia is carbohydrate-dependent because the virus piggy-backs on triglyceride assembly and VLDL exocytosis. This makes a very low carbohydrate diet an effective way to control HCV viraemia, HCV-associated autoimmune syndromes, and steatosis. HCV cell entry is via LDL-receptor complex, therefore diets intended to lower LDL via upregulation of the LDL-receptor by restricting saturated fat and increasing polyunsaturated fat will increase hepatocellular infection.